CoVerse News Blog

The official news blog for CoVerse. Check here for server updates.

Server Upgrades

CoVerse backend servers received lots of software and hardware upgrades. Everything should fun smoother and more secure than before. Our attention will now move back to making changes to the mobile app.

v17.2 news

v17.2 is rolling out. Premium Paid users can now hold upto 600 messages (instead of 300) per conversation. The oldest message is deleted if you have more messages. New notification sound settings to fine tune your preference, and few bug fixes.

v17.1 news

v17.1 is here to add offical support for Android 14 & iOS 17. We will be making changes to the server shortly.

v17.0 news

v17.0 is here. Been a while guys, sorry for the lack of update, we will be more consistent going forward. No major new changes for now, we are going to use v17 to tidy everything up and just add in few minor improvements. More updates coming soon.

v16.7 & v16.8 news

v16.7 is here. Bug fixes, better sharing features, and Android 13 initial support. The next v16.8 update will bring iOS 16 support along with few other minor things. Minimum supported version for CoVerse will be Android 8 & iOS 15 once v16.8 releases. Update your phone if needed until then.

v16.6 is here!

v16.6 is a minor update. Gallery media limit increased from 30 to 90. There are also few important bug fixes. Next update coming soon!

v16.5 is here!

v16.5 fixes many bugs and adds few optimizations to the app. Images and GIFs are better supported in many keyboards (Apple, Samsung, GBoard, SwiftKey), along with image pasting in Conversations. This is definitely the update you want to be on to get the best experience.

v16.4 is here!

v16.4 is a minor but worthwhile update. New profile avatars, new option in View Media to add media to Clipboard, and a new Mixer Expert application process. Check it out!

v16.3 is here!

v16.3 contains the Trash Can feature. Deleted conversations from the main screen will be first moved to the Trash Can before being permanently deleted. This gives you a chance to recover unintentionally deleted conversations. Few minor bug fixes in this update as well. Check it out!

v16.2 is here!

v16.2 includes many design improvements. Biggest update is the addition of "View Media" button in conversations. This new view allows you to quickly access Media items you've sent or received. Many of the Setting views have also been improved. Next update coming soon!

v16.1 is here!

v16.1 adds the ability to react to Gallery Posts. This update also contains new conversation Reactions along with few design changes and bug fixes. Next update coming soon.

v16.0 is ready!

New v16 update is here. This first update adds 2 new features. First, animated GIF is now supported in conversations and comments for Subscribers. Second, social links can now be added to your Gallery to share with others. Numerous bug fixes and other improvements as well. Next set of updates coming soon~

v15.7 is here!

v15.7 adds a cool new feature to the app. You can now react to chat messages by double tapping a message. 👍 is the default reaction, if you're a Premium Subscriber, you can use more Reactions by long pressing on a message. Enjoy! This should be the last update on v15. See you in the next v16 update!

v15.6 is ready!

v15.6 contains fun animations. There's a new animation for Answering and Thanking someone. There are 2 new Gifts animations in Shop, and few other minor additions.

v15.5 is ready!

v15.4 & v15.5 add in few useful new features: new Question dialog to show basic statistics about the person you're chatting with; new Like feature for Profile Gallery; more Subscriber benefits; bug fixes and networking improvements.

v15.3 is ready!

v15.3 adds new Stickers and Gifts :) There are important bug fixes in this update as well, so definitely update to this when you get a chance. Happy 2022!

v15.2 is here!

v15.2 is our last update to wrap up 2021. v15.2 includes few helpful new features. You can now quickly find an existing Question by using the new keyword search filter, you can also Search in Conversation to quickly find a message. There are few other minor additions and improvements. See you again in 2022!

v15.1 is here!

Happy holidays! v15.1 contains improvements to the new Gallery and Personality views. This update also contains official support for iOS 15 and Android 12. Check it out!

Happy Thanksgiving & v15.0

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Apologies for the late v15 update. It's finally here! For this initial release, you will find 2 major changes. One is Gallery, and the other is Personality. You can checkout both new features in the Profile page. Have fun with these, talk to you soon in the next update!

v14.8 is here!

v14.8 is the final update on v14. This update allows users to support CoVerse by becoming a Subscriber. Benefits of being a Subscriber includes:
  • New Conversation Clipboards
  • Higher quality Image & Audio uploads
  • Premium membership in Paradise
  • New Supporter Achievement badge
  • More to come!
Please consider supporting CoVerse to allow us to continue serving quality content to everyone. It'll also help bring the next big update v15 to everyone faster. Thank you so much!

v14.7 is here!

v14.7 updates the conversation Stickers view. Lots of other minor changes as well. We have one more update coming, then we'll move on to the big v15 update. See you soon!

v14.6 is here!

v14.6 enables Audio messages for Social Comments (Pulse, Tips & Ponder). This update also adds in a new setting option under Account to disable conversation images from loading automatically if you prefer to manually load each one. This update officially completes the v14 Audio features, enjoy!

v14.5 is here!

v14.5 adds more Pulse Moods and enabled Audio posts in Tips & Ponder. Pulse filter has also been updated. There are few bug fixes in this update as well. Have fun!

Check out v14.4!

v14.4 is a game changer with its fun and useful updates! 2 main highlights of this update: new ability to change your voice to help stay anonymous when sending audio messages; a new local optional passcode system to lock the app for extra privacy. Check it out!

v14.3 is ready!

v14.3 is a nice maintenance update. Few bugs are fixed, and the new update includes: new ability to favorite Social messages, and a new Pulse filter to quickly find popular posts.

v14.2 is ready!

v14.2 completes the inaugural audio feature. Now you can create Audio Posts in Pulse. We will be monitoring this feature and when the timing is right, we will enable audio in comments and also in Tips/Ponder. Check it out!

v14.1 is ready!

v14.1 is a minor update that improves the new Audio feature. You can now also send Audio Questions. An update is coming to allow Audio messages to Pulse/Tips/Ponder next. Let me know what you think!

v14 is HERE!

v14.0 adds the most requested feature of CoVerse into the app! That's right, you can now send audio messages! Currently audio messages are supported in conversations only. More updates are coming that'll allow you to post audio messages to Pulse/Tips/Ponder and even use it as a Question. Please update to this version to send and receive audio messages!

v13.7 is here!

v13.7 is the last update on v13. This update makes many changes both on the app and the server to improve usability, performance & design. Definitely do not miss out this update as it fixed few annoying bugs and also added few things to make your experience using the app much better. See you soon in the next big v14 update!

v13.6 is here!

v13.6 spice things up with new Pulse moods, new Gift Stickers, new conversation design, and few bug fixes. Definitely a worthy upgrade. See you soon in the next one!

v13.5 is here!

v13.5 adds many new graphics to CoVerse. 3 new Stickers, 2 new Question backgrounds, and few new icons. Also there's a new Mixer option to control who can message you in Mixer. Lastly, there are few small bug fixes and animation improvements in this update.

v13.4 is here!

v13.4 is here. Following long awaited features are ready: ability to block up to 5 people from answering your Questions, updated Achievements, new conversation reporting options, and finally, user Reputation is implemented. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

v13.3 is here!

v13.3 is ready. This update adds 3 new profile avatars, a new feature that lets you edit asked Questions, an important bug fix and few useful improvements. A worthwhile update for sure!

v13.2 is here!

Happy Year! v13.2 is another small update, sorry I know these aren't super exciting, but it'll definitely make your experience better! This update allows you to find Pulse posts you've commented on, bug fixes and minor improvements throughout the app. Next update will be more exciting I promise! :)

v13.1 ready!

v13.1 is a small update to improve designs and fix some bugs. v13.2 coming soon~

Let's go v13!

v13 is here to improve on Question experiences! Instead of all new features at once, these changes will slowly roll out in the upcoming updates. What's new in v13.0 is as follows: More thank-you actions available on the questions you ask, new Reputation system to better pair users (scores will be shown in your Profile soon), Search for friends using their names, and few other minor changes and bug fixes. Next update coming soon!

Last update on v12!

v12.5 & v12.6 Added support for Android 11 & iOS/iPadOS 14. CoVerse should now be able to take advantage of the newest changes in this new operating system. When you've updated to v12.6 you'll be able to edit your Pulse/Tips/Ponder posts, filter your Social conversations, and upload higher quality photos. Next update should be the big v13 one!

v12.4 now available

v12.3 Added Notification Center to Paradise for Tips & Ponder. v12.3 also added ability to hide Pulse/Tips/Ponder posts from any user. v12.4 improves on those features and added an ability to block someone from commenting on all your posts. If you see anything inappropriate, please report those before you hide/block them. Let me know what you think!

v12.2 now available

v12.2 mostly improved the More/Settings view. There are other smaller changes such as a new Pulse filter that allows you to quickly find the posts you've made; along with quite a few bug fixes. Definitely upgrade to this version to get the best experience.

v12.1 now available

v12.1 made improvements to the new Ponder design along with few bug fixes. Update to it and let me know what you think! See you soon in v12.2

v12.0 is here!

v12.0 improved Ponder and moved it into Paradise. Minimum supported OS for Android has been raised to Android 7.0. Definitely consider updating your OS if needed. Other changes include new Gifts in Shop; an ability to report Friend conversations; bug fixes, and minor design improvements. v12.1 is coming soon.

v11.6 now available

v11.6 contains many improvements. Major changes include better Pulse notifications, more consistent design on Pulse Posts and new Mixer filters. Hope everyone's feeling alright, this update has been delayed significantly due to the pandemic. More consistent updates coming soon. See you in v12!

v11.5 now available

v11.5 makes small improvements in Pulse. Pulse will now show new contents in different Rooms when you sync with the server. There are also new Pulse abilities in Shop to upgrade your account with. Lots of bug fixes and other improvements as well. See you on the app!

Numerous improvements in v11.4

v11.4 adds many new improvements to existing features. You can now Lock a Pulse or Tips post to prevent more comments; Mixer supports non-anonymous chats if you do not want others to message you anonymously; Hashtags in Mixer & Tips are improved upon and now includes trending hashtags. There are other minor bug fixes and improvements as well. Definitely check it out!

v11.3 anyone?

v11.3 adds more changes to the revamped Mixers. Users who are online will have a green dot next to their profile, Mixer contains 2 new filtering categories (New Users & Experts), Mixer ability in Shop is tweaked, you can earn Hearts in Mixer conversations, and lots of bug fixes and other improvements as well. Give it a try!

New Mixer in v11.2!

v11.2 revamped Mixer! Mixer has been moved into the Paradise section and it's now better than ever. Users by default are sorted by last activity time. So the more online you are, the more likely you'll show up first. You can also sort all Mixer users by their responsiveness or popularity. There are many other changes to Mixer, so check it out and let me know what you think!

v11.1 now available

v11.1 is here! Tips hashtags are colorized and clickable. Social comments are labeled and the ability to pin a social comment of your own post (Pulse & Tips). Few other bug fixes and improvements as well. Check it out!

v11 is HERE!

v11 is here! New Paradise tab is the big new feature in this update. It is currently still under active construction, but the first major addition Tips is ready. Come learn and grow with these short 200-character Tips! Second major addition is underway and should be available soon.

Final update on the v10 branch

v10.6 tidies things up for the next update. Design for Pulse Rooms has been changed a bit, and there are other minor bug fixes and performance improvements. Stay tuned for the next big update!

Minor update v10.5 ready

Happy New Year! v10.5 brings new Achievements and other minor updates. It also prepares the app for the next big update. Another update will be ready very soon.

New stuff is here!

v10.4 brings Room to Pulse. For now it contains few basic Rooms for users to hangout in. I'll check with you guys to see what you like, and then we will add or change Rooms accordingly. Check out the new update!

v10.3 is released

v10.3 fixes quite of few bugs and UI inconsistencies. No new features for this update, but definitely consider updating to this to have the best experience when using CoVerse. New features will come soon :)

Server update & v10.2 is ready

Server has been updated with a new Selection algorithm. We believe you'll be able to receive help much faster! v10.2 for iOS and Android takes advantage of that change on the server so definitely update to it when you can. See you soon~

v10.1 has arrived!

v10.1 added a new ability to Favorite a conversation, so you can quickly access it later. This new update also added in a reminder to new users to give Thumbs Up/Thanks if they received a helpful response. Definitely don't forgive to thank the other user for their time if they've helped you; this not only increase their reputation, but also yours as well. Your Social Score will increase as a result of being polite :)

v10 is HERE!

Brand new Light & Dark theme is available! Feel free to change theme at anytime in More->Settings->Looks. CoVerse for iOS has dropped support for iOS 11, so definitely update to the latest OS if you haven't yet. Minimum supported version for Android remains at Android 6 Marshmallow for now. Other new stuffs in v10 include smaller app size, lots of design changes (Questions, Ponder, new Stickers, new profile avatars), and bug fixes. Go check it out, and let me know what you think!